Weekends at Teddies Summer Term 2023


Bright Sparks Treasury, Weston Library Broad Street

A Sustainable Garden Oxford Botanic Garden Rose Lane

This inspirational exhibition celebrates the Bodleian Libraries’ acquisition of the archive of the British inventor of photography, William Henry Fox Talbot, and the legacy of his life and work. With items from the archive alongside works of contemporary artists, it brings the archive to life, showing how Talbot’s work influenced and inspired other artists. Free admission. Open 10.00am–5.00pm on Saturday, 11.00am–4.00pm on Sunday. Until 18th June.

Part of the UK’s oldest Botanic Garden - founded in 1621 - the beautiful Merton Borders have been created as an example of sustainable horticultural development, with the aim of minimal impact on the environment. With 85% of the plants established through the direct sowing of seed, the plants have been selected for their ability to withstand drought conditions and flower throughout the Spring and Summer in glorious colour. Open daily 10.00am–5.00pm. Tickets: Adult £7.00, Children under 16 free with accompanying adult.


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