Academic Research Booklet
Going forward, I want to ensure that this is definitely the right choice of text for my question. This shows the pupil is thinking ahead and understands they may need to be flexible. They identified a challenge – making sure the text/ question is right and expressed an openness to change if need be. To help overcome this challenge I have annotated both texts as I read which will help me to plan and also understand both novels. VERY GOOD. A solution has been given to the challenge identified in the previous sentence. Soon I will look for lots of online critical responses for both texts, which may be harder for ‘We’ as it is more obscure. The pupil shows they have considered a plan of action (methodology) and what might be difficult about it. They have implicitly stated they are planning to take their time finding the information they need but have also carefully thought through their choices. In their next reflection they can refer back to this and talk about whether they were successful. I also want to improve my time management, as this is tricky with a busy school schedule. Challenge identified. To build upon this the pupil could have suggested ways they might develop their time management skills. In the next reflection they would then be able to reflect on whether this worked.
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