Academic Research Booklet
I have a personal interest in understanding mental health, especially depression and am motivated to develop my knowledge in this area. Having a passion for poetry I have already identified various poets of interest and in conversation with my supervisor have developed some clear avenues of research. Knowing I have lots of other commitments my first priority was to make a plan for managing my time, what I needed to research and where to start looking for the information I need. When I met with my supervisor I showed them my research plan and discussed my ideas for both a topic and a question which I had prepared in advance. As a result of this discussion… Through discussion with my supervisor I realised my question was too broad so with their guidance I narrowed it down to fit the guidelines. Due to lack of supervisor availability this subject was not my first choice however I was able to adapt and come up with some ideas for essays to discuss with my supervisor in our first meeting. I shared my working document with my supervisor/ teacher so they were able to see my progress when we weren’t able to meet in person. The research schedule has been demanding and I realise I now need to make this project a higher priority to get back on track. I plan to…
I’m really excited to get stuck into this project and start researching!
Poetry is a passion of mine, which is why I have chosen to focus on poetry.
It took me a while to get going because I had so many other commitments.
Because I wasn’t assigned a supervisor right away I couldn’t get started in week one like everyone else. I talked with my supervisor and we decided to change my question to... I didn't get to do an essay in the subject I wanted so I wasn't able to get started right away like everyone else. I struggled to find time to meet up with my supervisor.
I didn’t have enough time to keep up with the schedule.
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