Academic Research Booklet
√ Reflective writing I chose dystopian fiction because I became interested in it when I read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ as part of my English IB course. It is fascinating to me how authors use the scope of dystopian worlds to draw on prevalent issues in society. I have found reading ‘We’ a challenge because it is written in an unusual way, however, I have found links to my other text. Going forward, I want to ensure that this is definitely the right choice of text for my question. To help overcome this challenge I have annotated both texts as I read which will help me to plan and also understand both novels. Soon I will look for lots of online critical responses for both texts, which may be harder for ‘We’ as it is more obscure. I also want to improve my time management, as this is tricky with a busy school schedule. (151 words) Break down of reflective writing I chose dystopian fiction because I became interested in it when I read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ as part of my English IB course. VERY GOOD. This shows the pupil has thought carefully about the chosen topic and wants to build upon knowledge from a previous lesson. It is fascinating to me how authors use the scope of dystopian worlds to draw on prevalent issues in society. Whilst this sentence does not discuss a challenge overcome or anticipated it does reflect on WHY the pupil chose the topic. I have found reading ‘We’ a challenge because it is written in an unusual way, however, I have found links to my other text. GOOD. The pupil has both identified a challenge and why the book itself is challenging, they also resolve the sentence on a positive note.
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