Weekends at Teddies Summer Term 2023

EVENTS FOR PUPILS SATURDAY 22ND APRIL Sport Athletics v Harrow Tennis v Downe House Tennis v Wellington Cricket v Rugby Cricket v Marlborough Avenue Showcase 6.00–10.00pm

SUNDAY 23RD APRIL Sport Rowing: GB Trialistsʼ Regatta, Nottingham DofE Silver: Canoe Training Day 8.30am–5.00pm, Boathouse Dance Show: Dress Rehearsal 12.00–5.00pm Olivier Hall and Old Library The Dance Show 7.00–10.00pm Olivier Hall and Old Library See details opposite.

Willows Café and Dining Hall Jubilee and Tilly’s House Dinner 7.00–10.30pm Leonardo Royal Hotel, Oxford Evening in Oxford Lower Sixth 7.00–10.00pm JCR@Willows The Shell, Fourth and Fifth Form 8.15–9.30pm, Willows Café A chance for pupils from all Houses to get together for fun and food in

Willows with a live DJ. Photo Oxford:

Pictures from the Garden Until 6th May, The North Wall See details opposite.


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