Teddies National Schools' Regatta 2023

Welcome to the National Schools Regatta! I am delighted that we have a record 81 Teddies pupils competing at the Regatta, the premiere junior rowing event in the calendar. There are three days of racing in a variety of boat types, with around 5000 competitors aged between 14-18 taking part. This year sees a new format with the Senior Championship VIII’s, 4X’s & 1X’s racing over two days with all finals raced on the Sunday. St Edward’s has a proud connection to the Regatta as in 1947 as a result of a desire to provide his pupils with wider experience and competition Mr Desmond Hill, then Master-in-Charge of Rowing at St Edward’s, issued invitations to the Third VIIIs of Shrewsbury, Bedford School and Radley to race our crews at Godstow. This ‘Colts and Third Eights Regatta’, as it was known then, would go on to become the National Schools’ Regatta as we know it today. The excitement around School and the Boat Club has been building all week and I know that our crews will enjoy the experience and are determined to give their best performance. As Head of Rowing I am extremely proud of all the Teddies crews and I know they will remember this event for many years to come. The racing is sure to be top class and if you need a break from the excitement, then sit back and enjoy the fantastic catering supplied from our first-class chefs! Enjoy your day and be ready to cheer on the Teddies crews! Adam Moffatt Head of Rowing

St Edward’s Oxford OX2 7NN 01865 319204 stedwardsoxford.org

Follow us on Twitter @teddiesrowing and Instagram @teddiesrowing

Registered Charity No: 309681

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