Sub-Warden, St Edward's Oxford -Candidate information
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS St. Edward’s has been actively assessing international opportunities for a number of years but has deliberately not set any specific goals or priorities. Its approach is based on a desire both to ensure that the School’s reputation is protected and that focus is not diverted from the School’s core strategy. The School continues to explore international opportunities with potential partners, although none are at an advanced stage of development. The Governors, as the Charity’s Trustees, are legally responsible for the overall management and control of the Company, the Charity and the School, and they meet at least three times a year. The work of implementing most of the School’s policies is carried out by sub-committees: the General Purposes Committee, the Education Committee, the Compliance and Risk Committee, the Wellbeing and Safeguarding Committee, the Investment Committee, the Nominations Committee and the Audit Review Committee. The Warden works closely with the Senior Management Team, which shares collective responsibility for all aspects of school leadership and management. The team consists of the Warden and Sub-Warden, the Bursar, two Deputy Heads responsible for matters Pastoral and Academic, four Assistant Heads, the Director of Partnerships and Fundraising, the Registrar, and the Head of Communications. LEADERSHIP & GOVERNANCE
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