Chronicle Summer 2023
9. A photograph of the School population in the 1870s taken at the original New Inn Hall Street site. The Warden, Algernon Simeon, is seated at the centre and directly in front of him is a young, and rather bored-looking, Kenneth Grahame. 10. The St Edward’s Chronicle letterpress printing block used from February 1875 – July 1921. At this point the Chronicle was published every month during term time. 11. Account books dating from the 1910s which give a fascinating insight into the gallons of cream and hundreds of buns devoured by the school population at the time. 12. A hand-drawn bumpers card dating from 1941. The School’s bumpers races were a much-anticipated annual event, held in early spring. ‘Bumps’ races still take place at Oxford University today and involve a number of boats chasing each other in single file, in an attempt to ‘catch’ the one ahead. If successful, the bumping crew moves up one place at the expense of the bumped crew. Teddies bumpers races took place from 1920-1974. The whole School would line the banks of the river on Port Meadow each evening and cheer their sides on.
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