Rhubarb October 2022
S tay in touch with old friends. Join us this year at one of the subsidised events we are organising both in London, Oxford and across the UK. Keep in touch and look out for details on our website and social media. carol SERVICE Join us on 4th December 2022 for the Teddies Carol Service for some mulled wine, mince pies and festive joy! Beyond teddies STAY CONNECTED! 2022-2023 EVENTS HENLEY ROYAL REGATTA Join us by the river on Friday 30th June 2023 for a marvellous tea, reminisce about your rowing time at Teddies and support Teddies as they race against some well established and respected rivals! U ni Tours – Have you recently started University? Get in touch and invite the Beyond Teddies team to visit.We have recently visited Edinburgh, Newcastle, Durham, Cardiff, Bristol and Exeter! So, get in touch – we would love to take you for a meal and hear how things are going. RHUBARB ONTOUR
1983-1993 LEAVERS The big 30-40 year Leavers’ reunion will be a black tie dinner held at Teddies on 25th March 2023 – the perfect opportunity to return to your old School with friends. 1972-1982 LEAVERS Come toTeddies for the 40-50 year reunion , on Friday 26th May. Look out for coming details!
2007-2022 LEAVERS
Join us for an evening of cocktails and canapés (subsidised by the OSE Society) at The Loop Bar in London on 17th November. A great chance to catch up with friends!
REGIONAL RHUBARB Lunches and suppers organised in your local region or country, generously subsidised by the OSE society.Whether you live in Cornwall, or Canada, there is something for you. Keen to organise a local event? Get in touch and we can help.
ANNUAL QUIZ Join Teddies for this fun, fast-paced evening run by professional quiz company, Quiz Quiz Quiz followed by a curry on Thursday 23rd February 2023 . One not to miss! Media? Come and hear from a TV & Radio Presenter, Football Correspondent, Magazine Editor, BBC News Producer and Writer, Broadcaster & Author at our next live career and networking event,Teddies Talks Media onWednesday 9th November 2022 in central London. D o you work in Media or want to a career in TEDDIES TALKS MEDIA
Martyrs G et involved in a wide range of sports. Join the Martyrs for a round of golf , a game of football, or even the 2023 Blenheim Triathlon team! There’s plenty of hockey and rugby available, plus the annual Martyrs’ Sports Day involving OSE and current pupils - contact us to get involved! If you are considering Teddies for your children or grandchildren, remember Open Mornings run most Saturdays in term time. Contact the Admissions Department at registrar @ stedwardsoxford.org for more information. ST. EDWARD’S
Please contact the Beyond Teddies Team (OSE @ stedwardsoxford.org) for details, follow us on social media (www.instagram.com/teddies_rhubarb) (or click the QR code above) for an up-to-date list of events.
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