Rhubarb October 2022
The Simeon Society Member : a profile
“ Mr Saffery’s unrestricted legacy to the School has been very welcome in the current economic environment, particularly when the Governors and I have had to make hard decisions about school fees and staff costs this year as we face rising inflation in almost every area of the School’s operations.We are therefore incredibly grateful to all our donors for helping to support many aspects of the School’s wider ambitions which otherwise the School would not be able to support, whether it be to fund new buildings, to purchase new rowing boats for the Boat Club, or to fund additional means-tested bursaries. On that subject, we are delighted that the School has been able to support a number of deserving Ukrainian refugees who started at St Edward’s this September, amongst several other talented children whose families would not otherwise have been able to consider a Teddies education. Hugh’s legacy, for the short term, has been invested in the School’s endowment fund which is managed by Quilters and currently stands at a value of just over £7m. For a successful and historic school such as St Edward’s, our endowment is surprisingly small compared to many similar schools.We are therefore keen to grow this reserve over time and Hugh’s substantial legacy will help this very significantly. Our medium-term plan is for Hugh’s legacy to contribute to the cornerstone funding of an exciting new capital project which we have on the horizon, further details of which we look forward to sharing with you as our plans develop over the next few months . ”
Hugh Hoseason Saffery (Segar’s, 1949-1954)
Hugh sadly died on 3rd April 2020. Hugh never married and did not have children so he chose to leave
his estate split equally across three charities - St Edward’s School, Selwyn College where he studied for his degree in PPE and the Royal Opera House, of which he was very fond. Hugh spent five happy years in Segar’s; having arrived as an Exhibitioner, he proceeded effortlessly to the Classical Sixth Form. He was a member of the Harrier’s Club, for which he earned his Representative’s tie and was appointed Captain of Tennis, although during the war there were no matches and the only responsibility of this position seemed to be to collect one shilling from every boy who played! An accountancy firm called Safferys who were very distant relatives and auditors of the Daily Telegraph, helped with Hugh’s school fees as his parents could not afford them. Hugh’s estate has currently given the school just over £605,000 with a small balance pending.The Bursar, Edward Hayter comments:
The Simeon Society – our legacy supporters Hugh was a member of the Simeon Society which was set up to honour and thank those who, during their lifetime, pledge a gift to the School in their will. Members and their families enjoy special invitations to events hosted by the School, which last year included lunch and access to theWalled Gardens at the Wormsley Estate whilst watching the inaugural Teddies T20 matches. Members also enjoy a closer relationship with the School and theWarden to learn about its developments and future plans, which their funding will help enable and to reacquaint with old friends and meet new ones. If you are interested in learning more, please do give David Smart a call on 07500 048662 or email: simeonsociety @ stedwardsoxford.org
The Challenge! L ooking ahead to next year and those to come we now need to maintain our growth in philanthropic support, which, during a period of rising inflation and cost of living, is going to be no mean feat.The School is entering a particularly exciting time of evolution and growth, there is a big buzz amongst potential new parents – it is definitely becoming the talk of the town! The momentum
Rachael Henshilwood, Director of Partnerships and Development
that is being built is significantly thanks to people like Nick and Hugh and many of you who financially support Teddies at whatever level you are able. Your donations and legacy pledges help us keep the pupil-base diverse through our bursary program, help provide hardship funds for families who suddenly hit difficult times, help with the capital costs of growing a school and also help with facilities which our pupils, and indeed many children across north Oxford, are now able to enjoy through the Beyond Teddies Partnerships program. St Edward’s takes its educational charity status very seriously and works hard to make you, our past pupils, and our current pupils and their families, proud. Thank you. If you would like to be part of this growing momentum that is helping us achieve so much for so many, or to learn more, please do email me on henshilwoodr @ stedwardsoxford.org or call 01865 319205.
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