Rhubarb 2017
44 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b
Sydney Reunion OSE gathered in Sydney Harbour- all from Field and Sing’s!- to catch up. OSE in attendance included: Ian Stuart (C, 1971- 1976), Simon Marchant (C, 1972-1976), Mark Hopkinson (B, 1969-1973), Martin Lynch (H, 1979-1983), and Mike Palau (B, 1959-1964). If you are based in or around Sydney, the next gathering will be Saturday 4th November 2017.
Rhubarb on the Rocks
The 2011 Leavers
2011 Leavers - 5Years On We were delighted to invite our 2011 Leavers back on Friday 24th June to speak with the Lower Sixth about their activities since leaving School. Much discussion was held about the merits of taking a gap year, the various courses available and seeking employment. The 2011 Facebook Group can be found at www.facebook.com/ groups/ose2011leavers Field House Boards Unveiling Mark Hanslip, Housemaster of Field House, welcomed back OSE to celebrate the unveiling of its House Boards of Heads of House and Housemasters.
Apsley Reunion Former Apsley pupils returned to St Edward’s on Saturday 17th September 2016, giving OSE the opportunity to tour the school and boarding house, meet the current Housemaster Ollie Richards,
and speak with current Apsley boys. An archive display of old school photos provoked much discussion, and OSE rounded off their visit watching rugby and hockey matches on the fields.
Former Field House Heads of House inspect the new boards
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