Rhubarb 2017
ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b
Special Gaudy OSE at the School prior to 1965 gathered on 11th June 2016 to reminisce about their School days and take tours of the School and boarding houses with current pupils. Steven Handscombe (G, 1957-1963) was reunited with his 1st XV Shield, and the four Thomas brothers (Left to Right) Peter (E, 1958-1963), Hugh (E, 1956-1961), Richard , (E, 1954-1959) and David , (E, 1951-1956), visited as a family, the first time they had visited the School as a group since leaving.
South West Lunch (Autumn)
SouthWest Autumn Lunch The autumn lunch on 14th October 2016 was attended by John Crosse (B, 1955- 1960), Roger Davis (E, 1955-1960), Alan Nixon (F, 1937-1939), Reg Newhouse (D, 1953-1958), Hugh Gould ( C, 1950- 1952), David Pusey (G, 1953-1958),
Hugh Newhouse (D, 1956-1961), Tony Robathan (F, 1946-1950), Mike Goodearl (B, 1956-1960), Gerry Williams (B, 1951-1957), Niel O’Neill (E, 1967-1971) and Nigel Hunt (E, 1959-1963).
Special Gaudy
Midlands Dinner
Midlands Dinner The Midlands OSE Dinner was held at the Cherington Arms near Shipston-on-Stour on Friday 6th May 2016. A very enjoyable evening was had by all, made all the more so by the local folk group providing background music. The Branch welcomed the Warden who in his speech cleverly linked life at Teddies with Shakespeare’s plays, acknowledging the 400th anniversary of the death of the Bard, born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon not so far away. We were also delighted to see Mike Palau, our President at the dinner, together with our Hon. Sec. John Wiggins. OSE in attendance included: Chris Northcote-Green (B, 1963-1968), Chris Brierley (B, 1994-1999), Chris Turner (B, 1961-1966), William Docker-Drysdale (D, 1984-1989), Peter Meecham (E, 1952-1955), Peter Davies (E, 1960-1965), Derek Ainscow (C, 1947-1950), James Synge (B, 1964-1969), RichardWenham (D, 1959-1964), David Smart (C, 1968-1972), Brian Ireland (F, 1949-1955) and Simon Mackaness (C, 1974-1978).
Steven Handscombe
Thomas Family
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