Sixth Form Guide 2022-3
At the start of the year everyone is assigned a Tutor who is in charge of making sure you are on track with your schoolwork and that you are achieving your targets. Tutors are extremely helpful as they guide you through your time at Teddies. This includes everything from reviewing your report, to discussing your extra- curricular activities, to applying to university. You can talk to your Tutor whenever you have a problem or if you need advice on things such as how to manage your time. Careers and Higher Education advice at Teddies is exceptionally strong. Our Head of Careers has extensive experience across a whole range of industries and strong links with former Teddies pupils and industry leaders enable regular careers talks in school covering a variety of career paths. We have advisors for UK, US and European university applications to guide you and advise you through the process and alongside our Oxford University links, we have connections with higher education institutions across the globe.
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