WW1 - all pages
T HE S CHOOL C HOIR 1915 - ‘ THE BEST IN LIVING MEMORY ’ The Warden and his brilliant Music Master Dr. Walter Stanton, both very eminent musicians and composers in their own right, had deliberately made music and choral singing top priorities at the School. This Choir of 1915 was felt by Wilfrid Cowell to have been the best ever during his time at St. Edward’s (1880-1937). This in spite of there being a distinct lack of adult male voices included. The Choir’s performance of Brahm’s Requiem in June was described by Cowell as ‘the finest thing ever done at the School’, with the accompaniment being the organ, kettle drums and a piano; the whole performance was a triumph for Stanton and the Warden, whose brother sang the baritone solos. This photograph shows this Choir with at least three pupils being later killed in the war.
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