WW1 - all pages
S T . E DWARD ’ S S CHOOL C OMMON R OOM 1913 - W ARDEN J OHN M ILLINGTON S ING ’ S FINAL TERM Standing (l to r) Reverend L.F. Harvey, V. Hope (O.S.E.), L.Davies, L.F. Cass, J.J.W. Herbertson, A.J. Weller, Reverend F. Shaw Seated (l to r) W.H.A. Cowell, J.M. Sing (Warden), Reverend J .G. Bussell Davies, Cass and Bussell were all killed in action. Herbertson, Weller and Hope served and survived. By the end of the war only Wilfrid Cowell remained on the permanent School staff.
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