Time To Read

Author spotlight Cixin liu Cixin Lui is a famous science fic�on writer from China. His most famous novel, The Three Body Problem as well as some of his other translated works are currently in the library. Lius fic�on focuses primarily on big problems such as social inequality, scien�fic development and ecological limita�on that impact humanity. Lui was born in 1963 in Beijing and grew up through the Chinese Cultural Revolu�on, as a young man he atended university and became a computer engineer. He cites English authors such as George Orwell and Arthur C. Clarke , both of whom o�en used wri�ng as an outlet for their poli�cal, philosophical and religious views, as important literary influences on his wri�ng though he himself prefers to avoid talking about poli�cs. Cixin Lui’s work has received a host of awards and he has received interna�onal renown as a science fic�on writer. The Three-Body Problem is the start of a trilogy, the books are long and the plot develops slowly but if you have the pa�ence to make it through you won’t be disappointed!

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