The Record 2014 - 2015
Upper Sixth Politics Prize Dina Nagapetyants Lower Sixth Politics Prize Henry Johnson Upper Sixth Philosophy Prize Sophie Kitchen Lower Sixth Philosophy Prize Felix Obholzer Upper Sixth Religious Studies Prize Joseph Percy Lower Sixth Religious Studies Prize Harriet Miesegaes Fifth Form Religious Studies Prize Nicola Roberts Fourth Form Religious Studies Prize Valery Orlova Shell Religious Studies Prize Alice Isola Styler Classical Civilisation Prize Liza Kupreeva Wilding Greek Prize Lucia Azzi
Lower Sixth Greek Prize Thomas Lloyd Lower Sixth Latin Prize Henry Johnson Fifth Form Classical Civilisation Prize Aaron Gruen Brims Greek Prize Imogen Higgins Fifth Form Latin Prize Eva Cottingham-Mayall Fourth Form Classical Civilisation Prize Jamie Chen Fourth Form Greek Prize Francesca Wilcox Fourth Form Latin Prize Madeleine Luke Shell Classical Studies Prize Sanders Lau Shell Latin Prize Sophia Majzub Shell Latin Prize Charlotte Hope Modern Languages Prize Lucienne Young Lane French Prize Hugo Marsh Brooke Johnson French Prize Harry Sellen Lower Sixth French Prize Camille Bonini Fifth Form French Prize Nicola Roberts Fourth Form French Prize Jack Riddick
Shell French Prize Georgia Kneafsey Upper Sixth German Prize Harry Sellen Lower Sixth German Prize Orlando Manning Fifth Form German Prize James Moore-Stanley Fourth Form German Prize Thomas Powell Shell German Prize Vanessa Parry Guest Spanish Prize Iza Arciszewska Upper Sixth Spanish Prize Camila Whittaker Lower Sixth Spanish Prize Benedict Marston Fifth Form Spanish Prize Eleanore Wood Fourth Form Spanish Prize Natalya Meade Shell Spanish Prize Reha Soni Harvey Shillidy Biology Prize An Truong Lower Sixth Biology Prize Wing Ho Fifth Form Biology Prize Imogen Higgins Fourth Form Biology Prize Charles Flynn Shell Biology Prize Max Ogdon
Jellicoe Latin Prize Tacita McCoy-Parkhill Lower Sixth Classical
Civilisation Prize Calypso Newman
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