The Record 2014 - 2015
Overwatch – Upper Sixth devised physical theatre 4th February 2015
Fame! – The Musical 26th – 28th February 2015
With so much musical and dance talent at St Edward’s it seemed an excellent idea to stage Fame!, the stage musical based on the popular 1980 musical film and TV series. A strong and well-balanced ensemble was selected by Lisa Elkins (Director), Alex Tester (Musical Director) and Beth Steer (Assistant Director). The dance numbers were fantastic, choreographed with great skill and finesse by Lisa Elkins and Dennis Victory, whose experience of performing in the West End production proved invaluable, and the catchy songs were led with intense energy by Alex Tester. Leg-warmers and baseball caps dominated the scene and individuality was allowed free rein. The most impressive aspect of this show was the ability of all the performers to excel in so many different areas: dancing, singing and acting. Particularly memorable moments were Tanaka Chitsenga’s elastic performance of Dancin’ on the sidewalk, Emma Isola’s fiery flamenco rendition of There she goes and the full cast in full swing for I’m gonna live forever. Fergus Flory showed excellent stage presence and Lucy Kellock braved illness to deliver her part with supreme confidence. There were a host of excellent solo performances but the real strength of this production lay in the security and
James Buxton Andrew D’Alton Daisy Ditcham
Bart Pawley Emily Powell Hermione Redford Set Design: Milli Collins
Gone Girl – Upper Sixth creative adaptation 5th February 2015
Bea Elliott Sasha Holland Martha Johnstone Hugo McCarthy Meg Neville
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