The Record 2014 - 2015
The Friends of St Edward’s The Friends of St Edward’s, led by Chair, Mirren Postlethwaite, and Vice-Chair, Amanda Williams, continue to provide a welcoming social forum and an engaging events programme for current parents and the wider school community. This year’s highlights included a theatre night at The North Wall for Lucy Maycock’s new production Song of Riots , and the fourth annual Quiz Night, which was enormous fun and raised £1917.86 for the Bursary Fund. After the May half term, a highly successful computer collection was held, providing laptops and other equipment to the charity Computer Aid.
year, pupils were heavily involved in the event, helping with registration and bicycle maintenance and running stalls. In total, around £10,000 was raised for the charities. The St Edward’s School Society The subscription reforms developed by Edward Gould (Sing’s, 1957-62) over the 2013/14 academic year are now in place, securing the Society’s finances for the foreseeable future. Under the leadership of the President, Georgie Dennis (Macnamara’s, 1986-88), and the Hon. Sec., John Wiggins, the Society has been keen to increase its visibility to pupils by sponsoring projects within the School. Over the Summer Term, and through the generosity and assistance of Hugh Pelham (Tilly’s, 1980-85), the Cowell Memorial Gates have been refurbished and a new plaque installed. At the suggestion of the Corfe House Council, the Society also plans to provide two new clocks for the astroturf pitches.
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