The Record 2014 - 2015
Lotter, Thomas C 12541, 09/10. Brother 12367. Sports Exhibitioner. 2nd XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey (Vice Capt) (Colours), 1st XV Rugby (Capt) (Colours), 3rd VI Tennis, Swimming (Capt). 12039, 11734. Deputy Head of House. HP. 3rd XI Cricket, 3rd XI Football, 4th XV Rugby, 3rd VI Tennis. Nicholl, Harry J 12556, 09/10. Brother 11400. HP. Scholar. 2nd XI Cricket, 1st XI Football, 2nd XV Rugby. All-Rounder Award. Lyne Society, Team St Edward’s. Peer Listener. Sellen, Harry E 12749, 09/11. SP. Academic Scholar. Chapel Choir. Kenneth Grahame Society, Team St Edward’s. McQueen, Guy 12549, 09/10. Brother St Vincent’s Society, Woodstock Group. Shaper, Alexander J 12576, 09/10. HP. Music Scholar. 3rd XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey, 3rd XV Rugby. Orchestra, Concert Band, Big Band.
Woolfenden, Douglas T 12603, 09/10. HP. 2nd XI Cricket, 1st XI and 3rd XI Football, 2nd XI Hockey, 2nd XV and 3rd XV Rugby. Concert Band. St Vincent’s Society.
English, George D 12491, 09/10. Brother 11832, 12671, Cousin
11226, 11889. HP. 3rd XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey, 3rd XV Rugby, 2nd V Squash. Gold DofE. Concert Band. Peer Listener. Esser, Alexander 13000, 09/13. 3rd XI Cricket, 2nd XI Hockey, 4th XV Rugby. St Vincent’s Society. Farmer, Joshua P 13002, 09/14. Hamel Cooke, Luke C P 12506, 09/10. Kinman, Edward T 12530, 09/10. Brother 12025, Nephew 8134. Deputy Head of House. HP. Sports Scholar. 2nd XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey, 1st XV Rugby. St Vincent’s Society, Team St Edward’s. Percy, Joseph W 12734, 09/11. SP. HP. Athletics. 1st XI Football (Capt), 3rd XV Rugby, 3rd VI Tennis. Blenheim Society, St Vincent’s Society. Head Sacristan. Founder of OpenGoal.
Field House De Ferran, Luke A 12485, 09/10. Brother
12145. Head of House. 2nd XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey, 3rd XV Rugby, Swimming.
Dickinson, Calvin M 12486, 09/10. Brother
12989. HP. Sports Scholar. 1st XI Cricket (Capt), 1st XI Hockey, 1st XV Rugby. Douglas Bader Award. Evans, Jonathan M 12492, 09/10. HP. Exhibitioner. 2nd VIII Rowing. Lyne Society. Everett, William M R 12493, 09/10. HP. 2nd XI Cricket, 2nd and 3rd XI Football, 3rd XV Rugby (Capt). Haslett-Elliott, William J 12509, 09/10. Brother 13018, 13195. 2nd VIII Rowing, 1st VI and 2nd VI Tennis. Senior Debating Society.
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