The Chronicle, No. 669, January 2016
Sailing By Tom Hunter, Master i/c Sailing
The Autumn Term was very productive for our sailors at Farmoor Reservoir under the careful watch of our Head of Sailing Ed Tanner ( Moulsford Prep ). We saw Louis Horslen ( The Beacon ), Sirawich Arjparu ( Bangkok Christian International ) and Henry Iliffe ( Brockhurst ) sail for the first time and Richard Fuest ( St Paul’s Cathedral ), Matthew Colson Lake ( New College ) and Anton Frieser ( German School London ) join the club with previous sailing experience. Louis persevered and can now confidently sail in challenging conditions and successfully tackle the dry-capsize. Matthew Colson Lake proved himself a very able sailor in our
Colson Lake spent a large amount of time last term practising sailing our 20ft Laser SB20 keel boat. The hard work they put in resulted in a 1-1 draw in two friendly races we had against Eton and paves the way for future races this year. At the Schools’ Championship at Itchenor in the summer, we will be competing in our new International 420 race boat to be launched later this term. There was also good sailing from Henry Iliffe, Theo Norman ( Beaudesert ) and Sirawich Arjparu and we were sorry to lose Matthew Abell ( Dragon ) to other areas of school life. Well done to all the sailing team so far; there is a great deal still to come.
regular races along with Richard Fuest who showed great improvement in his handling skills. We welcomed new Fourth Former Anton Frieser who demonstrated great enthusiasm. Eleanor Lewinton ( Oxford High ) continued to progress and sailed excellently, happily going out in all conditions as well as regularly educating the boys in how to win races through her meticulous assessment of boat settings. Towards the end of term, she tried out the trapeze in one of our recently re-rigged and very fast Laser 3000s which is back on the water thanks to the work of Ed Tanner. James Colson Lake, Oliver Ferneyhough ( Caldicott ) and Matthew
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