The Chronicle, No. 669, January 2016
Ballet pictures by Celia Hodgson
Ballet Recital By Neville Creed, Director of Cultural Activities A highlight of the Autumn Term is the Ballet Recital given by all those taking ballet lessons in School. This year’s Upper Sixth features a particularly strong group of dancers who have given splendid performances over their five years at Teddies – we will be very sad to see them go at the end of the academic year. They were on sparkling form at the Recital in December and the atmosphere was
enhanced by the clever lighting design created by Casper Sunley ( Cheam ). Grace Allen ( Dragon ), Lydia Jones-Parry ( Yately Manor Prep ), Kim Pushong ( Sotogrande International ), Emma Isola ( Sotogrande International ), Saskia Chancellor ( Queen’s Gate ), Grace Jones ( Cranford House ), Poppy Kettlewell ( Dragon ) and Izzy Rayner ( St George’s, Windsor ) all featured very strongly in this demanding
programme. The younger year groups were also well represented in this sequence of performances with a seasonal theme and all the dancers assembled for a glorious finale (Celtic Carol) choreographed by the Producer, Head of Dance Lisa Elkins. We look forward to the Dance Show to be held in the Hall on Saturday 27th February.
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