The Chronicle, No. 669, January 2016
Casper Sunley Where were you beforeTeddies?
Cheam School in Headley. It was a really excellent grounding and it was here that I worked on my first production, West Side Story . What House are you in and what are you studying? I’m in Sing’s House on Field side. I’m studying Drama, Geography and DT; I also took Music Tech at AS. What extra-curricular activities have you enjoyed during your time here? In the Shells I got involved with the technical theatre crew and have worked my way up to the position of senior technician; we have a huge amount of fun as well as supplying all school events with technical support. A busy weekend will involve as many as five events happening at different locations! I enjoy CCF and was recently promoted to the rank of Sergeant; I’m also Head of the Army Section. I undertook Silver DofE and have almost completed my Gold. I’m captain of the Climbing Club and 1st Team Swimming. Alongside all of this I have also set up Teddies on Camera, our new pupil film society, with Celia Hodgson (see page 11). Who is your favourite teacher - and why? Whilst never having actually been taught by him, David Moore - ‘Doc’ - has always been my solid rock. He has always been there whatever the situation; even when organising public exams he has always found time for a chat. When did your interest in film start? My interest started when I was at Cheam and learnt how to use a camera properly. I’ve worked with media throughout my time at Teddies and always wanted to form a pupil-run Society. When Celia and I discovered that we shared the same goal, it was easier to make it happen. Which aspect of the production of a film is your favourite? The logistics of making complex films! I love the process of getting everyone organised, equipment sourced and various permissions secured. Working on the set is great - it’s so busy. When you’re responsible for it running smoothly, there can be a degree of pressure - but it’s good pressure. I also enjoy the post-production: editing and working collaboratively when sifting through hours of footage. Nikon or Canon? Nikon. What is your favouriteTOC film so far – and why? I really enjoyed putting together the Iceland film (watch it on the website). We really enjoyed making it and had even started on the edit in the airport at Reykjavik with a make-shift editing suite out on a coffee table! What do you want to do after School? I’m interested in event management but I’m also looking into business management with the aim of moving into property in the future. I’m keen to continue with CCF and will look to join an OTC when I leave Teddies. What would be your Desert Island film? TheThomas Crown Affair , 1999.
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