The Chronicle January 2020


Cooper Lodge

A recent visit to our emerging co-ed House by Linda Churcher, Matron; Fergus Livingstone, HM; Richard Hayes, Estates Bursar; Christine Dombrowski, House Tutor; Darran Latimer, Feltham Construction; and Sixth Formers and future residents Caitlin Adams and Carolina Ramirez Cabal.

Equestrian highlights from last year include second place for India Courage, Gini Hope, Jemima D’Arcy and Izzy Hall at the National Schools’ Elite Show Jumping Championships; and a first place by Izzy Hall representing Great Britain at an international event in Ireland. This term will see teams competing in the Dressage and Show Jumping County Championships – in the latter, the girls are the defending champions. To find out more about the Equestrian Team, contact parent co-ordinator Charlie Hall on 07957 111980.

Equestrian Update

Izzy Hall in Ireland

Gini Hope, India Courage, Izzy Hall and Jemima D’Arcy

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