The Autumn Term at Teddies 6.7
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Teddies re-open as normal? Yes, we anticipate opening pretty much as normal in September and are very much looking forward to seeing all pupils back at School. As you know, we have staggered arrival times at the start of term to allow time to explain new school routines and safety measures to each year group. We also want to be able to welcome both new and returning pupils after a very long break. As a reminder, timings are as follows: TUESDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER Fifth Form and Upper Sixth return from 6pm WEDNESDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER Shells arrive from midday THURSDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER New Fourth Form and Lower Sixth arrive from midday THURSDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER Fourth Form and Lower Sixth return from 6pm
How will you provide a safe environment? We believe that boarding provides one of the safest possible environments and we are confident that we will have the right systems and procedures in place to ensure this. Final decisions on the specific measures to be implemented will be made once further government guidance is available. St Edward’s has adopted the UK Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) set of guidelines, the Covid Safe Charter, to further protect the community. In line with government and BSA guidance, appropriate precautionary measures such as the following will be introduced as necessary: • Limiting the size of gatherings within School • Staggering mealtimes • Introducing one-way routes • Using online platforms for submitting and returning work • Preventing the sharing of equipment and personal belongings • Introduction of hand sanitisers throughout the School • Extra daily cleaning procedures for frequently-touched items such as door handles and banisters • Strict health centre protocols for individuals developing symptoms • Limiting the number of visitors to the School and ensuring strict hygiene protocols on arrival Will testing be available for anyone displaying symptoms? Yes, this will be arranged in consultation with the NHS Public Health Protection Team as required.
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