Super Curriculum Summer 2024

History Lecture:

Art & Design Talk: ‘Gemmology Rocks’ Thursday 9th May, 6.00pm, Olivier Hall

Author James Barr – ‘Should we blame Balfour?

A short history of the Israel/Palestine conflict’ Monday 22nd April, 5.00pm, Olivier Hall Oxford Lecture in Maths: Dr Colin Wright Workshops and year group lectures with Shell, Fourth and Fifth Form and Lower Sixth Maths and Computer Science pupils followed by a Keynote Lecture on ‘The Unexpected Maths of Juggling’ Workshops and year group lectures:

Biology Challenge (selected Shell and Fourth Form pupils) Thursday 16th May, 6.00pm, Attenborough


Kenneth Grahame Society Discussion Evening Tuesday 4th June, 8.00pm, Warden’s Rooms

Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April, 8.30am–4.30pm Keynote Lecture: Tuesday 30th April, 5.30pm, Olivier Hall

Intermediate Biology Olympiad (Lower Sixth Biology pupils) Thursday


Universities Conference (Lower Sixth pupils and parents) Friday 3rd May, 10.15am, Christie Centre

6th June, 6pm, Attenborough

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