Sub-Warden, St Edward's Oxford -Candidate information
SCHOLARSHIP The academic culture at St Edward’s is promoted under the broad heading of scholarship, which is defined at the School by dedication to studies, perseverance in the face of academic challenge, consistent hard work, and a genuine interest in knowledge and ideas – all of which are central to the School’s academic ethos. Pupils are encouraged to understand that the acquisition of knowledge is not the point of education but that knowledge does matter. Without it, understanding of the world is impossibly difficult, and the answers to the problems of the present and the future will prove elusive. It is the School’s ambition for its pupils that acquisition of knowledge should become a habit for life, not just for the accumulation of facts but for the curiosity about the world that follows from it. St Edward’s pioneering approach to educational innovation and breadth has long been evident in its successful combination of two different pathways in the Sixth Form. Students can study A Levels or the International Baccalaureate, which was introduced at St Edward’s in 2008. On average, between a third and half of the cohort study the IB each year. The older pupils also benefit from close links with Oxford University and the cultural life of the city. Students take part in an extensive range of academic enrichment activities, largely overseen by our academic societies, which actively promote debate, discussion and discovery. A former head hunter with wide-ranging contacts across many industries offers outstanding employability and careers guidance. St Edward’s welcomes a small number of pupils each year who have specific learning challenges. The Learning Support Department is responsible for leading and ensuring the provision of support for pupils with SEND, both through direct support of pupils and their parents and through the teaching staff. Pupils are encouraged to reach their highest
potential regardless of a formal diagnosis; by encouraging pupils to become more aware, mindful learners, the School’s aspiration is for pupils to recognise their role in the learning process and develop their own styles of thinking, learning and growth. The academic ethos works towards building resilience in the face of challenges and pleasure in overcoming them. EXAMINATION RESULTS & UNIVERSITY DESTINATIONS Academic ambitions at the School have continued to rise steadily, and 2021 was another impressive year for St Edward’s Sixth Formers, with 63% of all grades awarded at A*/A at A Level or Levels 7/6 in the IB Diploma and 89% at A*–B or Levels 7–5. IB Higher Level Diploma 66% of all grades were Levels 7/6, with 94% Levels 7–5 A Level 61% of grades were A*/A, and 83% were A*–B Every year, pupils take up places at highly ranked universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, London (Imperial, King’s College, University College and Queen Mary), Bristol, Exeter, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Durham, and Manchester. In recent years, pupils have also gone on to study at Columbia, New York, Brown, Rhode Island, Dartmouth, New Hampshire, The University of California at Berkeley and LA, McGill in Canada, and universities in Hong Kong, Germany and Holland. GCSE 60% of grades were 9–7
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