St Edward's School Oxford and the Great War 1914-1918
G EOFFREY DE H AVILLAND (O.S.E.) Only at the School a short time (joining at 16 years), his name will forever resonate with aircraft design and manufacture. In the Great War he served with the Royal Flying Corps, rising to Flight Commander in 1916. He was also already involved in the design, production and inspection of war planes. He was awarded the D.S.O. and M.B.E. by the end of the war.
H ENRY A DAIR (O.S.E.) Served throughout the war in France with the Cheshire Regiment winning the D.S.O. and being Mentioned in Despatches four times. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1917.
G ERALD Y OULE (O.S.E.) Joined the Royal Navy in 1906 and by 1914 was the Admiral’s Secretary on H.M.S. ‘Marlborough’ the Flagship of the 1st Battle Squadron, 1st Battle Fleet. Would serve throughout the war in several stations including the Battle of Jutland and many different vessels. Awarded the O.B.E. in 1919.
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