St Edward's School Oxford and the Great War 1914-1918
W ARDEN J OHN M ILLINGTON S ING WITH HIS S CHOOL P REFECTS 1913 This groups and others like it had been the visible authoritarian arm for many years at St. Edward’s. Sing had been the School’s fourth Warden and had held the post since 1904, he had however been a member of the Common Room since 1886. He was the first Warden selected from existing staff and was the first who was unordained. A no- nonsense very Victorian disciplinarian by reputation, with a keen business brain, he was held in high affection by his charges, witnessed by the volume of letters he both wrote and received during the war from O.S.E. and former colleagues. He and his sister were especially helpful to widows and families of those lost. The Senior Prefect, Robert Owen, sits on Sing’s right he would fight in and survive the war - all the other Prefects shown here also served and two were killed in action.
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