St Edward's Rhubarb Issue 5

ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b


Midlands Dinner The Midlands OSE Regional Dinner was held at the Granville Arms in Barford, near Warwick on Friday 15th May 2015. The rhubarb on parade whether it be tie, socks or blazer cut a dash among the locals, and a very enjoyable time was had by all. Special thanks go to John Wiggins our Honorary Secretary who gamely hosted a question and answer session and also to Laura Hill our new Alumni Relations Officer for organising the event from the School with such enthusiasm and charm. Those in attendance included: Chris Northcote-Green (B, 1963-1968), Sue Northcote-Green, Michael Kingsley (G, 1959-1965), Rachel Kingsley, Simon Mackaness (C, 1974-1978), Anna Mackaness, Christopher Turner (B, 1961- 1966), Christopher Brandon-White (D, 1963-1968), Chris Brierley (B, 1994-1999), John Alexander (B, 1961-1965), William Alexander (B, 1963-1968), Michael de Burgh Pickard (F, 1955-1959), Annette Pickard, James Synge (B, 1964-1969), Linda Synge, Brian Ireland (F, 1949-1955), Christina Ireland, Richard Cole (D, 1950- 1954), Sheila Cole, Derek Ainscow (C, 1947-1950) and Caroline Ainscow. Chris Northcote-Green (B, 1963-1968)


Cardiff Lunch

South West Lunch

SouthWest Lunch On Friday 24th April we held the 21st South West OSE lunch, once again at the Arundel Arms in Lifton. Fourteen of us attended and, as usual, the Arundel Arms made us very welcome. We are pleased that five of us who attended the inaugural lunch in 2005 were able to be present. The high point of our luncheon was that one of the desserts on the menu was a Rhubarb Medley that has now been renamed ‘Teddies Pudding’ Those attending included the following: Alan Nixon (F, 1937-1939), Martin Bishop (E, 1943-1947), Tony Robatha n (F, 1946-1950), Frazer Meikle (F, 1947- 1950), Hugh Gould (C, 1949-1952), Mark Daymond (E, 1950-1955), Nicholas Payne (B, 1951-1956), GerryWilliams (B, 1952-

1957), David Pusey (G, 1953-1958), John Bogle (B, 1955-1960), Roger Davis (E, 1955-1960), John Crosse (B, 1955-1960),

Jeremy Griggs (E, 1958 -1963), and Niel O’Neil (E, 1967-1971).

The Autumn Lunch took place on 24th October. Those attending included the following: Hugh Newhouse (D, 1956- 1961), Robert Newhouse (D, 1953-1958), Alan Nixon (F, 1937-1939), Hugh Gould (C, 1949-1952), Tony Rowbothan (F, 1946-1950), David Smith (D, 1970-1974), David Pusey (G, 1953-1958), John Bogle (B, 1955-1960), GerryWilliams (B, 1952- 1957), Jeremy Griggs (E, 1958-1963), Mark Daymond (E, 1950-1955), John Crill (D, 1958-1963), Martin Bishop (E, 1943- 1947) and John Crosse (B, 1955-1960). Martin Bishop (E, 1943-1947)

Midlands Dinner

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