St Edward's Rhubarb Issue 5
10 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b
OSE Survey
Our intention is to repeat the survey every two years. In the meantime, it is not too late to let us know your views and help to inform our future provision. Please either visit: or contact the OSE Office to request a hardcopy.
We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to participate, and many congratulations to Robert Norbury (F, 1951-1954), the lucky winner of our prosecco prize draw.
Last summer, the OSE Office launched a survey to find out more about you, the OSE community, and check that the events, publications and communications we provide are appropriate to your needs.
We received 413 offers of careers support via talks, mentoring or work experience (compared to 277 in 2011)
opted to receive r h u b a r b in digital form only, saving printing and postage. This represents 11% of the r h u b a r b print run. In total, 1054 OSE now receive r h u b a r b digitally (16% of contactable OSE).
987 OSE
Around 50 %
Type of events that attract OSE Many OSE pre-1965 expressed a wish to preserve traditional events such as Special Gaudies and formal dinners, while others challenged us to create new and more informal events around the arts, networking, careers and pub nights.We hope you will all find something to interest you on the events’ calendar on the back cover of this issue, and keep an eye out for new events from September 2016!
agreed for their contact details to be shared with other OSE.
We already have active OSE communities on LinkedIn and Twitter, and in response to the survey have just launched a Facebook page for OSE (below).
of the OSE surveyed are using social media.
50% 89% of respondents were male and 11% of respondents were female, a good result bearing in mind that the OSE body as a whole is currently 14% female.
We are now on Facebook! We have launched a Facebook page and groups for all OSE where you can find out the latest OSE and School news, share your stories, and reconnect with friends. Join the online community to see our photos, read short articles and profiles, share your messages with old friends, and stay connected with new ones. We love hearing your news and we encourage you to share your updates by posting online, or by emailing the OSE Office. You can ‘like’ and ‘share’ the page with your Facebook friends, and we hope you encourage OSE within your networks to like the page and join the groups available. Even if you are not a Facebook user, you can still visit the page, and by creating a profile you can post news and messages to other OSE. Find us by searching ‘St Edward’s Society’. For more information about the site, please contact the OSE office by emailing For our latest news check out our Twitter page @TeddiesRhubarb , and for networking with other OSE, visit our LinkedIn page by searching ‘St Edward’s:OSE’ .
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