St Edward's Chronicle Summer 2018


Towards 2020 Education is changing and St Edward’s is growing. To prepare for the future, work has begun on two major projects. On the east side of the campus, work is underway on the substantial Quad Development featuring a new Study Centre, Library and Hall. On Field Side, we are preparing to build our first co-ed House. Both projects are designed by TSH Architects and are due to be complete by 2020.

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The most significant development at St Edward’s for over 100 years, the new facilities in the Quad project respond directly to the way in which education is changing. Gone are the days when pupils sat quietly in rows, writing down what the teacher said, raising their hands to speak. Classrooms at St Edward’s are now lively, busy places where the pupils debate, discuss and question – and learn as

much from each other and their own research as they do from their teachers. The new academic facilities have been designed to address explicitly the modern requirement for flexible, varied work spaces. Great emphasis has been placed on encouraging collaboration and group-work, vital components of classroom practice at St Edward’s.

“Teddies is a place of strong and growing academic ambition. We are about to cast that ambition in stone, brick and glass.” Chris Jones, Chair of Governors

The Quad Development comprises: • A modern, busy Library, where the latest technology will be available alongside the book-lined shelves. The technology is designed to support collaboration and human interaction

• A café area where pupils can work on their own with their laptop or come together in informal groups for discussion and planning. • An elegant, top-floor Reading Room for quiet research, study and reflection. The architecture draws heavily on the best of Oxford University’s libraries – and is designed to be as inspiring as possible.

• A stunning new oval-shaped Hall with seating for 1,000 – so that our growing community can come together on a regular basis, for assembly, performances, meetings, exams and countless other functions. • Flexible classrooms which can be configured for large or small groups. • A new Higher Education and Careers Department.

rather than detract from it – pupils will be encouraged to talk to each other and to share their work.

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