Shell Unseen Poetry Anthology
English Literature
UNSEEN POETRY Read the ques�on carefully and underline / highlight key words to help you tackle it. Read the poem at least twice to gain a greater insight into what the poet is trying to say. Look at any useful informa�on you are given about the piece, such as when it was writen, who wrote it, etc. Do not forget the �tle of the poem. Do not just analyse the content but discuss the ‘how’, and the ways in which the writer has used language and structure to create an effect on the reader. Remember to discuss form . Think about the structure of the piece. How does the write hook the reader in the first line / stanza? Is there a pivotal moment? What is the final word? Are there different ways in which the piece could be interpreted? Which part of the poem did you find most interes�ng / powerful? Why?
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