Shell Stories for Summer 2021

FOREWORD The long summer holiday: ice cream, strawberries, barbecues … and a good book! The seven stories you are holding were selected for you by the English teachers at St Edward’s at the start of the summer term. They are all, in their own way, brilliant. Tolstoy takes us to a fairy-tale kingdom; we fight snakes with Kipling in India; there are duelling aristocrats, a leopard on a mountain top—magic, terror, laughter, pain. These stories are not just about different experiences; each of them is itself a memorable experience. We also chose them because they are “real” stories, stories that we know will give you an irrepressible urge to share them with friends and family. In a sunny garden, at the beach, by the tennis court, by the pool, you’ll be having a conversation very soon that starts something like this: “I’ve just read a great story. It’s about …”

Mr Clapham , Head of English


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