Shell SE Awards 2023
Animated publication
These are the ways in which I have supported and demonstrated the School values of integrity, kindness and courage (HMs will review these entries) :
Cultural activity Two of:
Cultural activity Three of:
Achieving Grade 3 or above in a music exam Being a regular attendee of Drama Club or Theatre Tech club sessions Winning an award for the Shell plays Regularly attending one or more music ensembles culminating with a performance during a concert Participating in a Friday at Five concert Regularly attending dance lessons culminating in appearing in a dance show Attending two North Wall events Playing a role in one of the School plays Regularly attending extra art and design sessions or music tech workshops Gaining a LAMDA award Grade 3 or above Achieving Grade 3 or above in a dance exam Achieving a time in the Steeplechase faster than 22 mins (boys) or 23 mins (girls) Representing the School in at least six matches or sporting competitions at two different sports during the year Voluntarily attending regular early morning gym sessions at least 15 times during the year Attending at pre-season training (term-time sessions) Representing interhouse sports teams in all three terms
Achieving Grade 4 or above in a music exam Participating in two Friday at Five concerts Being a regular participant in Drama Club or Theatre Tech club sessions including work at a specific event or production, or regular attendance of music tech workshops Regularly attending dance lessons culminating in appearing in at least two dance styles in two dance shows Playing a speaking role in one of the School plays Gaining a LAMDA award grade 4 or above Being part of the House Harmony team Winning a competition for a poem or piece of creative writing Having a piece of art or photography showcased by the School in an exhibition, in eNews or other publication Attending three North Wall events Achieving Grade 4 or above in a dance exam Achieving a time in the Steeplechase faster than 16 mins (boys) or 18 mins (girls) Representing the School in a match or competition in all three terms Being the recipient of a club award at the end of term awards ceremony Voluntarily attending regular early morning gym sessions at least 20 times during the year Being invited to and attending pre-season training (term time and holiday)
Physical activity Two of:
Physical activity Three of:
Academic achievement Two of:
Academic achievement Two of:
Gaining 30 Merits (for excellent work and/or noteworthy effort)
Gaining two departmental awards Gaining 20 Merits (for excellent work and/or noteworthy effort) Gaining at least four ‘exceeds expectation’ grades in four of the six reporting cycles Achieving a Warden’s Commendation for an excellent piece of work Reading three books over the year in Time to Read
Gaining at least six ‘exceeds expectation’ grades in five of the six reporting cycles Being awarded a subject prize at Gaudy or two Warden’s Commendations for excellent work Attending and contributing to scholars’ events throughout the year Reading five books over the year in Time to Read
Communication One of:
Communication Two of:
Being on a House Debating team Reading in Chapel Having an article published in a School publication Actively participating in Teddies on Camera for two out of three terms Speaking at a House assembly
Being on a House Debating team Speaking in School Assembly or Chapel Having an article published in a School publication in two out of three terms Being on a House Challenge team Actively participating in Teddies on Camera for three out of three terms Presenting a talk to a society or writing a review of a lecture
Service to others Two of:
Service to others Two of:
Raising £150 for charity from 10 or more sponsors Being happy to help with tasks around the House, when asked (verified by Matron / HM) Completing external charitable work (validated by HM) Being awarded at least two Merits for upholding the School values Being welcoming to any new members of the community, acting as buddy and helping them find their feet (verified by Matron / HM)
Raising £250 for charity from 15 or more sponsors Carrying out tasks around the House without being asked (verified by Matron/ HM) Being a member of a School committee Being awarded at least four Merits for upholding School values Being asked to represent the School at an open morning/external-facing event
Developing skills, leadership and responsibility Two of:
Developing skills, leadership and responsibility Two of: Identified as a positive influence within the House by HM
Being at least 90% through gaining Bronze DofE Being an exemplary participant on the Shell trip Giving their all in sports/music/drama/ dance sessions (verified by the member of staff) Gaining Most Improved Award for their sporting option Starting a new instrument, sport or dance style and making a firm commitment to improve Participating actively in Digital Skills and Wellbeing (verified by a member of staff)
Starting a new instrument, sport or dance style and making a firm commitment to improve Being at least 80% through gaining Bronze DofE award Readily volunteering when pupils are sought to help (verified by HM/House team) Attending a Pupil Voice Forum or committee
We believe here at St Edward’s that it is important that you come out of school having not just learnt in a classroom – it is about educating the whole person ANNA FIELDING, DIRECTOR OF IB
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