Shell Guide to the Curriculum 2024 2025
Introduction to the Shell Curriculum Knowledge and the skills to use that knowledge are fundamental to understanding the world around us and living fulfilling lives in it. Our Shell curriculum will give you the foundations in the essential subjects to flourish in your academic life, with some optionality to allow you to choose subjects that especially inspire you. This booklet explains what you will learn in each subject. We start the year by consolidating and revising the key building blocks in all subjects and move quickly
to extending, stretching and challenging pupils so that by the end of the year you will be in the best place to start your GCSEs and choose our bespoke courses. So that we can help you to learn best, you will be put into classes with other pupils who have the same level of understanding as you in the sciences, maths and languages. This enables us to tailor our teaching most effectively while ensuring that in other subjects you benefit from learning with your peers across the year group. Our School is one that celebrates success in all of its various forms. Academically, we are not just interested in those to whom top grades come easily; rather, we demand that everyone does their best and so, if you do your best, you’ll find that the whole community is right behind you and there are many support systems to help you achieve your potential. In the end, success is almost always preceded by effort and the most rewarding celebrations are those in which your hard graft has paid off. The next five years will be a real adventure and I can’t wait to see how you all get on. Good luck! David Flower Sub-Warden Academic
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