Shell Guide to the Curriculum 2024 2025
Art and Ceramics Art - In the first project, ‘Everyday Objects’ , Shells will be exploring fundamental skills of observational and imaginative drawing working from still-life structures. They will encounter the work of different artists who use similar processes, and will be able to visually analyse their works using art terminology. Pupils will develop their work into drypoint etching, using printmaking as an expressive medium. In the second project, ‘Patterns’ , pupils learn about patterns across time and cultures. This starting point develops their knowledge of society, culture and spiritual/moral links within art. Pupils will design patterns for poly block and lino prints, developing their ability to create symmetrical compositions whilst understanding the importance colour has when producing multiple block prints. In the final project ‘Architecture’ , pupils respond to the work of John Piper and produce a mixed media painting. Using the school buildings as inspiration, pupils will learn how to scale up drawings and then explore various mixed media and resist techniques to produce their final outcome. Ceramics - During the first project in Ceramics the Shells abstract the textures and silhouette for a slab-built vase from images
Project two sees the pupils design and build a ‘Component Vessel’ . Using terracotta clay, they bring together pinched, thrown, extruded, and slump moulded elements, and decorate with reference to English slipware. In the summer the Shells produce a ‘Pop-Art Plate’ , focusing on surface decoration using a limited palette and slip stencilling. Pupils will learn about 1960s America and develop their own highly stylised designs. Each Shell will have the opportunity to throw on the potter’s wheel and will learn the basics of glazing. Regular class critiques in Art and Ceramics will encourage debate, peer support and collaboration, as well as enhancing analytical and verbal communication skills.
of ‘Natural Growth’. They learn to manage the material of clay and become familiar with both the layout and presentation of contextual content in their sketchbooks.
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