Shell Guide to the Curriculum 2023
Spanish Spanish has grown to be one of the most popular languages to study in the UK and is tipped to overtake French as the most studied language in schools. It is the second most-spoken language in the world, with over 559 million speakers globally, and is the official language of 21 different countries. Studying the language gives you the opportunity to discover the different cultures and customs of the Spanish-speaking world. In the Fifth Form pupils from St Edward’s are offered the chance to stay with host families in Malaga and in the Sixth Form a wide range of guest speakers come to talk to the Hispanic Society. The Spanish curriculum for Shells is designed to allow you to consolidate and build on your learning if you have already studied Spanish at your previous school, while also being accessible to beginners who have no previous experience. Regardless of your level, all lessons are differentiated, giving all pupils the opportunity not only to further develop their skills but also to have the opportunity to study Spanish to IGCSE level and beyond. In the Shell year you will learn to talk about yourself, your family and friends, what you do in your free time, your school and subjects that you study, and what you do on your holidays.
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