Shell Guide to the Curriculum 2023

Biology Covid-19 brought Biology to the very forefront of media headlines in the last few years and never before has there been the relevance, the interest and the extent of career opportunities in the field. In the Shell year, you will begin by building on your knowledge and understanding of fundamental topics including molecules and cells. We place a lot of emphasis on the development of key practical and investigative skills, as well as data presentation and maths skills to allow you to interpret your findings. We then explore the movement of substances in both living and non-living systems. These first three topics cover essential concepts which will be further built upon in the Fourth and Fifth Form. In the Summer Term there is a focus on Ecology, with opportunities to learn outside the classroom.


G U I D E T O T H E S H E L L C U R R I C U L U M 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4

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