SE Weekend Brochure_Autumn 2021

EVENTS FOR FAMILIES SATURDAY 27TH NOVEMBER Open Morning 9.00am–12.00 noon School Play Performance: Sweeney Todd 7.30–10.00pm The North Wall Reception for Cast, Crew, Band and Parents of Sweeney Todd 10.00–11.00pm North Wall SUNDAY 28TH NOVEMBER Chapel: Compline 8.00–8.40pm


SATURDAY 27TH NOVEMBER Sport Rugby v Oratory Hockey v Bradfield Rowing v Radley and Shiplake Badminton v Bradfield Squash v Cheltenham Ladies College Apsley House Dinner 7.30–10.00pm, Dining Hall Bowling at the Kassam Shell, Fourth and Fifth Forms School Play Performance: Sweeney Todd 7.30–10.00pm, The North Wall

Lower Sixth Social 8.30pm, Cooper’s Café Reception for Cast, Crew, Band and Parents of Sweeney Todd 10.00–11.00pm, North Wall SUNDAY 28TH NOVEMBER Chapel: Compline 8.00–8.40pm



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