SE Weekend Brochure_Autumn 2021

Photograph by Felix Warren for Teddies on Camera photography competition.

EVENTS FOR FAMILIES SATURDAY 16TH OCTOBER Open Morning 9.30am–1.30pm Corfe Parents Reception 12.00–2.00pm, Corfe House Mac’s Charity Ball 7.30–9.30pm, Dining Hall We invite the families and friends of Mac’s pupils to join us for this entertaining evening of fun and laughter, with a delicious dinner guaranteed. At The North Wall The Devil’s Violin : Spoken Word A powerful narrative experience blending the words of multi-award winning Welsh storyteller Daniel Morden with skilled and atmospheric violin and cello accompaniment. An experience you won’t forget quickly, The Devil’s Violin shows have chilled and thrilled teenagers and pensioners alike, and all those in between. SUNDAY 17TH OCTOBER Chapel: Theo-logical 8.00–8.40pm, Olivier Hall

EVENTS FOR PUPILS SATURDAY 16TH OCTOBER Sport Rugby v Cheltenham Hockey v Tudor Hall Hockey v Lord Wandsworth Squash v Cheltenham Cowell’s Curry Night 7.30–10.00pm, Willows Mac’s Charity Ball 7.30–9.30pm, Dining Hall Shell Cinema Trip James Bond: No Time to Die

HALF TERM FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition South Wales Shell Parents Q and A Session 11.00am–12.00 noon The North Wall Shell Parents Meetings with Tutors and HMs 12.00–1.00pm, In Houses

Theatre: Tokyo Rose The North Wall ‘Turn back the dial to 1949. Iva Toguri stands trial accused of being the notorious ‘Tokyo Rose’, a Japanese wartime disc jockey who broadcast Axis propaganda to the Allied forces in the Pacific. This award winning and electrifying new musical tells the true story of how one strong, American-born woman battled through a journey of self-acceptance, only to return home to a dangerously divided nation.’ SATURDAY 23RD OCTOBER Sailing NSSA Racing Championship

Lower Sixth Social 8.30pm , Cooper’s Café SUNDAY

17TH OCTOBER School Play Rehearsals 2.00–6.00pm, The North Wall Chapel: Theo-logical 8.00–8.40pm, Olivier Hall



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