SE Super Curriculum Booklet Spring 2024

Politics Society Lecture: Dr Chrissie Steenkamp on ‘Conflict in the Modern Era’ Monday 5th February, 5.00pm, Recital Room

Geography Society Lecture: Professor David Thomas on ‘Deserts and Desertification’ Wednesday 6th March, 5.30pm, Olivier Hall

OACA A Level Latin Conference Tuesday 6th February, 9.00am–1.00pm, The North Wall

Junior Inter-House Debating Final Monday 11th March, 5.40pm–7.00pm, Olivier Hall

Fourth Form French Play performance by Onatti Productions Wednesday 21st February, 8.00pm, Olivier Hall

Oxford Lecture in History: Professor Steven Gunn

Kenneth Grahame Society discussion evening Monday 11th March, 8.00pm, Warden’s House

on ‘The Tudors’

Monday 26th February, afternoon workshops at 2.45pm in the Christie Centre, followed by a 5.00pm Keynote Lecture, The North Wall

Lyne Society Lecture Tuesday 12th March, 8.00pm, Old Library


Geography Society Lecture: Paul Baker FRGS: ‘Hot, Wet and Dry: The Concept of Ecosystem Fragility’ Wednesday 13th March, 5.30pm, Olivier Hall

Politics Society Lecture: Professor Jane Green on ‘How the young could be better engaged in political society’ Monday 4th March, 6.00pm, Old Library

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