Chronicle Summer 2023
Biology at Teddies By Anastascia Lind, Lower Sixth
recent Covid-19 pandemic highlighted how important this area of science is. We are fortunate at Teddies to have teachers with a wide range of knowledge and experience. This is particularly useful when applying for universities or writing EPQs and EEs. There are a wide range of clubs offered by the Department such as dissection club, biology society and SciSoc4, all helping pupils to get more involved and providing opportunities beyond the curriculum. A new initiative this year is ‘Species of the Week’ which is a weekly email written by a pupil in School and sent to the whole School community – there have been lots of fascinating species so far this year and the emails help expand our knowledge whether we study Biology or not. Alongside societies, the Department also invites speakers to Teddies to
share their expertise and inspire pupils. This year we have been lucky enough to welcome Sir Paul Nurse, a Nobel Prize winning geneticist, and Professor Enda McVeigh, Associate Professor at the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Oxford. A Sixth Form symposium was hosted at St Edward’s in January featuring a series of lectures on cutting-edge science, which was also attended by eleven other local schools.
Biology is a thriving subject at Teddies, with all pupils from Shell to Fifth Form studying the subject and high uptake in the Sixth Form. There is a strong focus on skill development in Biology. Pupils learn critical analysis, interpretation of vast quantities of data, resilience, working methodically, the ability to communicate with clarity, as well as general skills in working scientifically. The content covered in the IGCSE, A Level and IB courses allows pupils to gain a better understanding of the natural world which is important to help us contribute positively to wider society. Examples of this are learning about the carbon cycle and how human impacts can lead to climate change, sustainablity and agricultural processes, and biodiversity and how humans may be affecting this. Human biology is also a key part of the subject, as we are taught better to understand health and disease; the
The speakers at the Biology Symposium in January
A Brief Introduction to Dyslexia In March Teddies marked Neurodiversity Celebration Week with a special assembly in which we heard from pupils and staff about their experiences of having different neurological conditions. A number of Teddies pupils have a specific learning difficulty and it is important not only to acknowledge but also to celebrate the many different ways a human mind can work. Pupil Mo Madrian tells us a little about his experience of dyslexia.
Although there is no cure for dyslexia, there are many strategies and interventions that can help people with dyslexia learn to read and write more effectively. With the right support, people with dyslexia can achieve academic and professional success. When I joined Teddies I struggled a lot in subjects because I didn’t understand the question, couldn’t answer it structurally and of course couldn’t finish exams in time. With the help of the Learning Support team my school grades shot up. Since then I have been trying to help others who struggle with dyslexia or any other neurological disorders.
Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to read, write, and spell. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, but can also affect adults. People with dyslexia have difficulty processing letters and words, and may have trouble with phonemic awareness, which is the ability to recognize and manipulate sounds in words. Dyslexia is not related to intelligence, and many people with dyslexia have above average intelligence. However, because reading and writing are such important skills in our society, dyslexia can have a significant impact on a person’s academic and professional success.
Mo Madrian
Parents who would like to talk to Louise Barr, Head of Learning Support, about any of the points made by Mo should contact her at:
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