SE Awards Shell

Service to others Two of:

Service to others Three of:

Raising £150 for charity Being happy to help with tasks around the House, when asked (verified by Matron / HM)

Raising £250 for charity Carrying out tasks around the House without being asked (verified by Matron / HM) Being a member of a School committee Being awarded at least six Merits for upholding School values

Completing external charitable work (validated by HM)

Being awarded at least four Merits for upholding the School values

Being asked to represent the School at an open morning/external-facing event

Being welcoming to any new members of the community, acting as buddy and helping them find their feet (verified by Matron/ HM)

Developing skills, leadership and responsibility Three of:

Developing skills, leadership and responsibility Two of: Identified as a positive influence within the House by HM

Being at least 90% through gaining Bronze DofE

Being an exemplary participant on the Shell trip

Being a House-nominated year group representative

Giving their all in sports / music / drama / dance sessions (verified by the member of staff )

Starting a new instrument, sport or dance style and making a firm commitment to improve

Gaining Most Improved Award for their sporting option

Being at least 80% through gaining Bronze DofE award

Starting a new instrument, sport or dance style and making a firm commitment to improve

Readily volunteering when pupils are sought to help (verified by HM / House team)

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