St Edward’s r h u b a r b
Purle, Nancy E L . 12401, 9/09. Sports Exhibition. 1st XI Hockey, 2nd VII Netball, Bronze DofE. Little Shop of Horrors. Café des Sciences, Lyne Society, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society, Team St Edward’s. Wheeler, Saskia C G . 12430, 9/09. Brother 12102. Deputy Head of House. HP. Harriers. The Wind in the Willows. Blenheim Society, Phoenix Society, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society. Quad Contributor. LAMDA Gold. Corfe K Baddeley, Helen . 12279, 9/09. Sisters 11951, 11130, 10800. HP. Scholar. Sports Scholar. 1st XI Hockey, 1st VII Netball, 2nd VI Tennis. Little Shop of Horrors. BioRaDicals, Kenneth Grahame Society, Lyne Society, OX2, Priestley Society, Team St Edward’s, Woodstock Group. Chan, Sze L M . 12473, 9/10. HP. 1st V Squash. Geography Society, Woodstock Group. Davies, MadeleineT . 12822, 9/12. Sister 12665. HP. Swimming. Wind in the Willows. Johnson-Watts, Ella M . 12345, 9/09. HP. Exhibitioner. Sports Exhibition. Athletics (Capt), Harriers, Hockey 1st XI, Bronze DofE. Amnesty International, Cafe des Sciences, Kenneth Grahame Society, Lyne Society, OX2, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society, Woodstock Group. Lloyd, Ellen S . 12365, 9/09. HP. St Vincent’s Society. Sacristan. Marriott, Emma J . 12373, 9/09. Head of House. HP. 2nd XI Hockey, 3rd VII Netball (Capt), Swimming. Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, Concert Band. Arabic Society, Blenheim Society, Lyne Society, OX2, Senior Debating Society. Head Sacristan, Quad Contributor. Maslovskaia, Mariia . 12545, 9/11. HP. 2nd V Squash. Blenheim Society, Geography Society. Owen, Josephine E . 12390, 9/09. Sister, 12391. HP. Harriers, 4th VI Tennis, Swimming. Silver DofE. Simpson,Annabelle G R . 12410, 9/09. Deputy Head of House. HP. Exhibitioner. 4th XI Hockey. 1st Rowing. Chapel Choir. Wind in the Willows, Little Shop of Horrors. Spensley, Bryony E M . 12413, 9/09. SP. HP. Scholar. 3rd XI Hockey. Kenneth Grahame Society, OX2, St Vincent’s Society, Woodstock Group. Sacristan. Taylor, Eliza . 12437, 10/09. Brother 11928, Sister 11768. HP. 3rd XI Hockey. 3rd VI Tennis. Silver DofE. St Vincent’s Society. Sacristan. Wood, Mathilde A H . 12432, 9/09. Sister 12943. HP. 4th XI Hockey (Capt), 3rd Team Real Tennis, 1st Rowing, 2nd V Squash, 3rd VI Tennis. Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir. St Vincent’s Society. Music Award.
Mund, Marco . 12896, 9/12. Brother 12897. HP. 1st XI Football, 3rd XV Rugby, 2nd VI Tennis. CCF Lance Corporal. BioRaDicals, German Society, Kenneth Grahame Society, MedSoc, Model UN, Overseas Committee. Spooner,William B . 12414, 9/09. Oakthorpe J Barnes, Leah R . 12610, 9/10. Brother 12637. HP. Drama Exhibition. Athletics, Harriers. Romeo and Juliet. Blenheim Society, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society, Woodstock Group. Burch, Phoebe M . 12291, 9/09. HP. 2nd XI Hockey, 2nd Team Real Tennis. St Vincent’s Society. CameronWatt, Flora . 12295, 9/09. Brother 12808. Deputy Head of House. HP. 3rd XI Hockey (Capt), 2nd VIII Rowing, 3rd VI Tennis, Swimming. Silver DofE. Little Shop of Horrors. BioRaDicals, Blenheim Society, Café des Sciences, Geography Society, Phoenix Society, St Vincent’s Society. Sacristan. Charlton, Mia A . 12299, 9/09. Brother 11472, Sister 11819. SP. HP. Scholar. Athletics, 3rd VII Netball. Silver DofE. CCF Corporal. Blenheim Society, Gibson Society, OX2, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society, Woodstock Group. Head Sacristan. Deslandes, Olivia F E . 12315, 9/09. HP. Dance Exhibition. 4th XI Hockey, 4th VII Netball, 1st Rowing. Lyne Society, St Vincent’s Society. Grade 7 Ballet. Fletcher, Sarah . 12322, 9/09. Sister 11998, Brother 11487. HP. 1st Rowing (Capt). St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society, Team St Edward’s. Sacristan. Peer Listener. Hamdan, Imaan A B . 12505, 9/10. HP. 4th VII Netball. Higson, Celia E R . 12341, 9/09. HP. Drama Exhibition. Apsley and Cowell’s House Plays. Rubenstein Kiss. Wind in the Willows. Lyne Society, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society. Sacristan, Quad Contributor. LAMDA Gold, Grade 7 Ballet. All-Rounder Award. Kelsey, Elizabeth C G . 12354, 9/09. HP. Art Exhibition. 1st VII Netball. Wind in the Willows. St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society. Quad Contributor. Exhibited at Burford Garden Centre. Preston, Emma C . 12399, 9/09. Brother 12398. Head of House. HP. SP. 4th XI Hockey, 4th VII Netball. Gold DofE. Chapel Choir. Little Shop of Horrors, Blood Wedding. St Edward’s Singers, St Vincent’s Society. Sacristan. Grade 7 Ballet. Edward Dingwall Prize.
Roxburgh, Harry C . 12406, 9/09. Head of House. HP. 3rd XI Cricket (Capt), 3rd XI Football, Harriers, 3rd XV Rugby. Modern Jazz Ensemble, Rock Society (Founder). Wind in the Willows. Blenheim Society, St Vincent’s Society. Music Award. Organised Segar’s Charity dinner which raised over £12,000 for Leonard Cheshire Disability. Tavener, Benjamin G . 12418, 9/09. Scholar. Chapel Choir, Concert Band. Kenneth Grahame Society, Woodstock Group. Sacristan. Published three books for IB Geography. Kendall H Baig, Feroz . 12441, 1/10. HP. Sports Scholar. 1st XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey. Team St Edward’s. Record opening partnership of 233 with Joseph Barrett against Marlborough. Highest wicket taker in the county in 2013 season (45). Cornish,William J A . 12307, 9/09. Brother 12480, sister 12817. Head of House. HP. Sports Scholar. 1st XI Cricket, 2nd XI Hockey, 1st XV Rugby. CCF Corporal. Team St Edward’s. D’Alton, James . 12310, 9/09. Brother, 12483. HP. Athletics, Harriers, 1st XV Rugby, Shooting (Capt). Gold DofE. CCF Sergeant. The Clearing. Ford, Oliver . 12323, 9/09. HP. Athletics, 3rd XV Rugby, Swimming. Silver DofE. Hammond, Miles A H . 12334, 9/09. HP. Sports Scholar. 1st XI Cricket. Harries-Jones, Edward I . 12336, 9/09. Sports Scholar. Kettlewell, Finlay JW . 12355, 9/09. Sister, 12699. Deputy Head of House. HP. Scholar. Athletics, Harriers (Capt), 1st VIII Rowing, 1st V Squash. Bronze DofE. CCF Lance Corporal. Romeo and Juliet. Blenheim Society, Gibson Society, OX2, St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Society (Vice Chair), Woodstock Group. Sports Award. Leigh, Cosmo J . 12361, 9/09. HP. 1st XI Football, 4th XV Rugby, 2nd VI Tennis. Leighton, John M H . 12362, 9/09. Brother 13043. HP. 3rd XI Cricket, 2nd XI Football, 4th XV Rugby, 3rd V Squash, 3rd VI Tennis. Bronze DofE. Concert Band. St Vincent’s Society, Senior Debating Team. McGrath, Rufus E O . 12377, 9/09. Head of School. SP. HP. Drama Exhibition. 2nd VIII Rowing, 1st XV Rugby, 1st VI Tennis, Cycling. Bronze DofE. Romeo and Juliet, Wind in the Willows, Into the Woods, Little Shop of Horrors, The Clearing, South Downs, Who’s Afraid of Michael Gove? St Vincent’s Society. Sacristan. LAMDA Gold.
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