St Edward’s r h u b a r b
m a r t y r s
1980-1984), Jon Sturt (B, 1979-1984), Richard Pianta (B, 1984-1985) and Hugh Pelham (F, 1980-1985). Early departures were Adam Donaldson (G, 1979-1984) and Geof Bessley (boatman). Martyrs Sports Day March 2014 For the Martyrs Sports day on Sunday 23rd March 2014, the weather delivered wind, hail and sunshine in unequal measures presenting at times, tricky conditions for the many OSE proudly competing in Rhubarb against the School. As ever, the incessant cajoling of Peter Swainson (F, 1995-2000) brought together sufficient hockey players for two teams to play the 1st and 2nd XI though it must be said that both School and OSE had some remarkable lookalikes playing in both matches. By the end, the Martyrs had recorded two victories despite the best and heroic efforts of the School goalkeeper, Gero Traem. A couple of the hockey players, Joe Robinson (K, 2003-2008) and Harry McHugh (E, 2004-2009) did a turn on the football pitch before hastening to the mud-free, fluorescent, AstroTurf. Their departure is surely coincidental with the OSE turning around a 2-nil deficit in the second half to win 2-3. Thanks go to several but in particular ZackTaylor (B, 2004-2009) for pulling the team together. Martyrs ‘A’ XI 4 – SES 1st XI 3 Giles Blanchard (C, 2004-2009) x2, Charlie Blanchard (F, 2006-2011), Own Goal Martyrs ‘B’ XI 2 – SES 1st XI 1 Will Kerr-Dineen (G, 2003-2008), Chris Lewis (C, 1985-1990)
J14 VIII - the days before compulsory sculling - in 1989. Sadly the feat was not, on this occasion, to be repeated despite their best row of the three they have had together this year! February was a bumper month for returning rowers as, we saw the emergence of a ‘Noughties’ VIII, who raced at the national, Vesta Veterans Head at the end of March. The star-studded crew was Mike Lambourn (E, 1997-2002), George Adams (G, 1997-2002), Will Morgan (B, 2002-2004), Dave Lambourn (E, 1999-2004), Ben Smith (F, 1999-2004), George Kitovitz (H, 1999-2004), Jonathan Basher (H, 2000-2005) and Dan Cadoux-Hudson (C, 2001-2006) with cox, Nicky Cadoux-Hudson and ably supported by sub, Ed Nurick (E, 2000- 2005) for one of the two days of training in advance of the head race. It is hoped that there will be a re- emergence of the Martyrs Boat Club committee with the dual aims of getting more OSE racing and raising funds to help SESBC maintain the highest standard fleet of boats. Anyone interested in either or both of these activities should contact the Hon Sec, John Wiggins via the OSE office. JohnWiggins 1984 Crew Reunion In attendance were Bill Sayer (coach), Tom Poole (D, 1981-1986) (cox), Nick Grundy (G, 1979-1984), JonathanApplebee (D,
At the 2014 Boat Club Barbecue (see previous page) the ’92 VIII reformed and put on an impressive turn of speed to show the VIII how to start and finish first. Inspired by their performance, three of them determined to see how far they might get in a more public arena and on February 14th the St Valentine’s Day Massacre risked being re-enacted on the Thames at Henley. Hamish Floyd (F, 1988-1993), Ted Jones (F, 1988-1993) and Dave Burton (C 1988-1993) were joined by Andrew Bird (A, 1991-1996) and cox, Matthew Barrett (A, 1991-1996). The 1993 boys reflected on their first competitive race at this same event racing in a (victorious)
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