St Edward’S r h u b a r b
Nick Deane (F, 1961-1965), Chris Hartley (D, 1975-1980), Steve Luker (B, 1977-1982), Elgan Potter (F, 1976-1981) and his wife Fiona, Jamison Sharpley (F, 1996-1998), Ed Womersley (F, 2002- 2007), Daniel Ball (H, 2000-2005), William Browne (H, 2000-2005), Max Brunner (E, 2001-2006) and Ed Stephens (B, 2001-2006). Thanks to all who turned up. We will organise another gathering in the first week of November 2015. Please register your interest to Ian Stuart at: ses150sydney@gmail.com
V a l e t e e V e N t s
Old St Edward’s Lodge No 5162 Of ancient, Free and accepted Masons within the Province of Oxfordshire
In the picture: L to R – Oliver Dashwood, Nick Deane(behind Oliver),Michelle Hopkinson, Mark Hopkinson, Christine Stuart, Fiona Potter, Ian Stuart, Simon Marchant, Chris Hartley, Jamison Sharpley (behind CH), Elgan Potter and Steve Luker.
Sydney reunion On Saturday 1st November 2014, OSEs gathered at the 3 Weeds, Balmain, Sydney. We had a range of attendees who left Teddies between 1965 and 2006. Age range from 26 to 67! The original intent was to have a pub crawl having a few Jars (schooners) at each pub with some food thrown in along the way. However the pub ambience turned out to suit the “older” OSEs and we stayed put for the duration of the evening. We could actually hear ourselves talk which has been a request from many OSEs!! The younger set turned up somewhat later so it was fortuitous that we had decided to stay put. Oliver Dashwood (B, 1960-1965), who lives in Queensland, came armed with some stories of Teddies in the 1960s along with a few school photographs. Oliver is a third generation OSE as both his father and grandfather attended the school. Nick Deane (F, 1961-1965), same vintage as Oliver, also brought along some school photographs of his time there. This included his 1st XV team photograph.
We were treated to the LATIN version of the school song which is remarkable after 50 plus years. No crib sheets used! It was a relaxing evening and the “youngsters” were particularly interested in finding out what Teddies was like in the 1960s and 1970s. Somewhat different today - particularly the infrastructure. The event was attended by: Ian Stuart (C, 1971-1976) and his wife Christine, Oliver Dashwood (B, 1960-1965), Mark Hopkinson (B, 1969-1973) and his wife Michelle, Simon Marchant (C, 1972-1976),
Master 2014-15, Eric Balmer (G, 1950-1955)
We are keen to reach OSE around the country who are in Freemasonry (or interested in it) but are unaware of our existence. Meetings are held four times a year, on Saturday afternoons, in Oxford. The Installation Meeting is in May. The next meeting is on Saturday 2nd May 2015. The following meetings will be on 26th September, and 14th November 2015, then Saturday 19th March 2016. Further details and information on Freemasonry are available from the 2015 Secretary, Guywilliams (G, 1970 -1973), on 07752 814144 - grwilliams56@live.co.uk , or the Treasurer, Bill Graham (F, 1961-1965), on 01363 83047 - bg4847@aol.com
William Browne, Jamison Sharpley, Daniel Ball, Edward Stephens, Edward Womersley, Max Brunner.
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