St Edward’s r h u b a r b
Events - Ose Regional Luncheons
e v e n t s
Edinburgh Lunch 2014
Newcastle University Dinner 2014
Edinburgh Lunch 2014 This was held in the Pollock Halls, a residence for Edinburgh University students, which proved to be an ideal venue. The food, wine and service were excellent. 11 OSE attended, with years of entry ranging from 1944 to 1991. Also present were John Wiggins (Hon OSE Secretary), Cameron Cochrane (Former MCR) and the Warden. I had never been able to attend previous Edinburgh reunions, and this was a rare opportunity to catch up with news about the School and its impressive expansion since my time (1950 to 1954). John gave us chapter and verse on Teddies recent sporting successes, including last year’s superb Henley performance – the second fastest time ever for the Princess Elizabeth Cup in the final. The Warden painted a wide-ranging picture of the School’s academic and artistic achievements, and his ambitions for the future. Martin Johnson (D, 1950-1954) Newcastle and Durham University Visits 2014 Prior to the short train journey to Durham which provided a stunning view on arrival at the station and a meeting with some of Teddies’ finest, Ian Rowley and I had the pleasure of visiting a healthy number of equally fine, OSE undergraduates at Newcastle University. It is also true to say that we met a number of healthy
unable to join us, was Hamish Atkinson (C, 2006-2011) who was required for training by the University Rugby Club; the following day they beat Swansea University in the semi-final of the cup. Mr Rowley’s excitement at the contents of the Durham Cathedral only just surpassed the visit to ‘ both ’ of Newcastle’s Cathedrals whose architecture and organs provided much to admire. We were very grateful for the time taken by Ella Phillips (K, 2008-2013), and Mikey Dicks (H, 2008-2013) in showing us around the Cathedral and later, in an unscheduled visit, by Pollyanna Mainds (M, 2007-2012), around the Castle. JohnWiggins Mr Wiggins were very keen to see the sights of Durham, and so we took them on a whistle-stop tour of the Castle and the Cathedral (where Mr Rowley got very excited upon seeing the impressive organ). This was followed by a fabulous lunch in Zizzi’s with a large group of old Teddies boys and girls. It was great to pass on our shared experiences of the University, and to hear all the news from Teddies. Thanks to Teddies for generously giving us a break from college food! Ella Phillips (K, 2008-2013) The Durham contingent of OSE were delighted to welcome Mr Rowley and Mr Wiggins up to the North for a reunion. Despite the pouring rain, Mr Rowley and
undergraduates, clearly benefitting from a solid grounding (at Teddies) in a balance of academic and exercise that has seen them somehow survive the rigours of university life. Ed Lea (H, 2006-2011) was kind enough to take time out between his interview for Sandhurst and completion of a dissertation proposal to show us around the impressive library and the heart of the University buildings. Visiting, as we did, in the last week of the University term and with major deadlines the following day, it was difficult for all OSE to meet us in the evening but we were delighted that 13 turned out for a meal and a drink (or two). Another,
Clockwise from left: John Wiggins, Cameron MacRitchie (H, 2006-2011), Hannah Reed, (K, 2007-2012), Mr Ian Rowley, Mikey Dicks (H, 2008-2013), Isabella Ogston (J, 2007-2012), Ollie Smith (C, 2007-2012), Freddie Kerr-Dineen (C, 2007-2012), Lily Hinton (M, 2008-2013), Ella Phillips (K, 2008-2013), Sam Macdonald-Smith (H, 2008-2013).
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