38 St Edward’s r h u b a r b
OSE Obituaries
TUMIM – In August 2014, Anthony Elliot Tumim, (A, 1940-1943), aged 89. Brother of Stephen Tumin, (A, 1944- 1948), he was in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve from 1943-1946. He later became a Chartered Engineer (MICE MIHT) and was a member of Local Government from 1946- 1990. VERITY - On 17th October 2014, Donald Wrathall Verity (C, 1938-1942). Brother of Colin Verity (C, 1940-1944), he attended Exeter College, Oxford, from 1942-1945, and St George’s Hospital (MRCS LRCP). He was a Medical Officer in the Parachute Regiment from 1951- 1954, and the Territorial Army from 1954-1966. He went on to become a General Practitioner in Tadcaster, a Prison Medical Officer, and a Police Surgeon. WILMOT-SMITH – On 3rd September 2014, Charles Anthony Wilmot- Smith (A, 1940-1943), aged 88. RAC from 1944-1947. Magdalene College, Cambridge, from 1947-1949, where he obtained his MA, before becoming a Sales Manager at British Aluminium Co, Twickenham, and a Barrister, Inner Temple, in 1968.
V a l e t e
O b i t u a r i e s
The Memorial Service of Navin Lachmandis Tolani
TOLANI (SUKHWANI) - Navin Lachmandis Tolani (formerly Sukhwani) (D, 1979- 1984), aged 48 after a long illness. James Pierce (D, 1979- 1984), provided the following obituary. Friends and family of Navin gathered at the School Chapel for a Memorial Service to celebrate his life on January 11th. Navin was a much-loved character at St Edward’s, a keen artist, swimmer and rugby player and above all, a great friend. The Reverend David Wippell conducted the service assisted by Gabs, the School Organist, and remembered Navin fondly having once coached his rugby team. Navin’s sister, Deepika, and brother, Raj, mentioned how touched they were by the service. Deepika read the beautiful poem, To an English Friend in Africa by Ben Okri, which reminded her of
Nicky Henderson, Dan Hillyer (F, 1979-1984), Jono Moles (F, 1979-1984), Peter Sinclair (D, 1979-1984), Frances Stanley, and Matt Todd. Navin was a popular, friendly and happy guy to have as a friend, keen to join in activities and take part in the community of the School. After school he tried his hand at various city jobs, gained a place at Leeds University, and stayed in touch with his many school friends despite experiencing poor health and associated difficulties. He will be missed by all his friends from school and the many he made in life beyond Teddies, not only for his generosity and warmness, but for the courageous way he bore illness, always maintaining a brave face.
Navin and his love of travel. Tom Fremantle read the eulogy, reminding everyone of Navin’s great gift for friendship, his zest for life and his irrepressible laugh. The congregation sang Jerusalem (Navin’s favourite hymn) and Let it Be by the Beatles, before visiting a bench dedicated to Navin with the words: IN MEMORY OF NAVIN SUKHWANI – WHO LOVED THIS SCHOOL. The last port of call was the Dewdrop pub in Summertown to toast Navin and where the stories about him rolled out long into the afternoon. The congregation included: Driver (G, 1979-1984), Tom Fremantle (E, 1979-1984), James Fry (H, 1988-1993), Geoff Goodman (A, 1979- 1984), Alexander Goodman, Mike Harvey (D, 1979-1984), Family - Deepika and Raj Sukhwani, Friends - Chris
Charles Anthony Wilmot-Smith
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