30 St Edward’s r h u b a r b
OSE Obituaries
BOODLE – In January 2014, Arthur Trelawny Boodle (C, 1932–1936), aged 96 in Limington, Somerset. He was a self-employed Solicitor at Messrs Marsh Warry & Arrow Solicitors and a Solicitor Commissioner for Oaths. He served as a Major in the Royal Artillery from 1939-1945. Husband of the late Jean (née Page), father of Gillian and David (C, 1968-1973) and grandfather of Oliver. BRUCE – In March 2014, Douglas S Bruce (A, 1943- 1948) aged 84. He obtained a BSc from Birmingham University from 1948-1951, RE 1951-1953 2nd Lt., Ind Mngmt 1953-1974. Member of the Local Government for Gloucestershire County Council since 1974, and a Senior Consultant. Branch Chairman Inst Br Foundrymen 1973-1974 MBIM MMS. CARSTAIRS – On 6th January, Timothy John Carstairs (B, 1972-1976), after a long illness. He studied at Reading University, and went on to be Director of Communications for Mines Advisory Group. Throughout his career, he was dedicated to the campaign against landmines as well as broader humanitarian goals. COX – In January 2014, Jeremy Munro Cox (E, 1948-1952). Jeremy’s brother John Cox (E, 1948-1952) has kindly provided the following obituary notice. Service in the RAF, where, after study at the School of Oriental and African Studies at London University, he was posted to Hong Kong to monitor Chinese radios. He followed this working for a consulting engineering firm engaged on contracts in the near and far east and in this country.
BARCLAY – Peter Barclay (B, 1936-1940) aged 92. Brother to Tim Barclay, (B, 1938-1942). Peter was in the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers from 1941-1947, as a Major. He studied for his MA at Hertford, Oxford, from 1947-1950. He was an Assistant Master at Portsmouth Grammar School from 1950-1987, and Careers and Housemaster, before retiring in 1987. BIRD – On 23rd April 2014, Donald William Kemp Bird (F, 1942-46), in Cumbria. Mrs Bird has kindly provided the following obituary. After leaving St Edward’s, Dr Bird went to St Catherine’s College, Cambridge, where he attained a BA and went on to University College Hospital in London, qualifying as a Doctor in 1952. He joined a general practice in Maidstone, where he became interested in mental health, and in 1963 moved to London with his family to retrain as a psychologist and psychiatrist. While studying, he worked as a psychiatrist and medical assistant, and then in 1971 became a consultant at the Tavistock Clinic in London, and then chairman of the Adolescent Department and Dean of Postgraduate Studies. Having always taken part in amateur dramatics, he continued that interest when he retired to Cumbria, taking part in many of the Caldbeck Players productions as well as village activities such as Meals on Wheels and the Village Hall Committee. He also found at Potts Ghyll, a garden big enough to grow old-fashioned roses, and to have a dog, and was able to die at home, as he wished.
ARENTSEN – Raymond Tomas Leif Arentsen (F, 1936-1940). Aero Engineering at Chelsea College from 1942- 1945, 1st Cl Dip, before becoming a Licensed Aircraft Engineer. Olley Air Service, Croydon 1945-1949 BOAC, Bristol 1950-1952 BAC then Br Aerospace, Filton 1953- 1983. Flt Insp 1953-1959 Spares Engineering, Britannia and Concorde Aircraft 1959- 1983, before retiring in 1983. He was also a Glider Pilot (C03S) and served as the Honorary Consul of Chile at Bristol from 1976. BARROW – On 14th December 2013, Geoffrey Wallis Stuart Barrow (C, 1937-1939) in Edinburgh. Born in Headingly, Leeds, 28th November 1924, he obtained an Hon DLitt from Glasgow, and at Newcastle upon Tyne, FRSE, FRHistS, FSAS, where he then became Professor of Mediaeval History from 1961-1974. He was Professor of Scottish History at the University of St Andrews from 1974- 1979, and the Sir William Fraser Professor of Scottish History and Palaeography from 1979-1992. He went on to become the Joint Vice-President, Commission Internationale de Diplomatique from 1994- 2005 and the Joint Literary Director, Royal Historical Society, from 1964-1974. He was also Chairman of the British Academy Anglo- Saxon Charters Committee from 1978-1988, a member of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts from 1984-1990 and President Saltire Society from 1987- 1990.
V a l e t e
O b i t u a r i e s
Jeremy Cox
On retirement he worked for the Tear Fund, became a Deacon in the Baptist Church as their local treasurer and was also responsible for the finances of the Gideon Society in the area where he died. COX – On 20th January 2014, John William Andrew Cox (C, 1952-1957), aged 76. The following obituary was kindly provided by his friend David Bevir (C, 1952-1957). Apart from being struck by a car while crossing the Woodstock Road on a run in his second term and losing several front teeth, John Cox had a successful career at school. He became a School Prefect and Head of House in Bim Barff ’s last year as Housemaster and Senior Under Officer in the CCF. He sang in the Choir for five years and acted in several school plays, including Morning Departure in 1955 when it was reported that his Scots accent
John William Andrew Cox
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